Tips to make winter more bearable when you're hypothyroid

Noticed that your thyroid symptoms are worse when the wintertime hits? If your thyroid is underactive, you’ll be more prone to symptoms during the colder months. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer in silence - there are steps you can take to make winter more bearable.

Tips to make winter easier when you have a thyroid condition

Get your thyroid levels checked

Yes, even if you were ‘within range’ just a couple of months ago! Studies have found that TSH levels increase over the colder months. This means that even if your last results were normal, you may be hypothyroid during winter and experience increased symptoms as a result.

Spend time in the sunshine & fresh air

I know it’s cold, but bundle up and get out into nature on a regular basis. We are only scraping the surface of why nature is so beneficial for our health, but we do know that time in nature can:

  • Support vitamin D levels (assuming you are in a location where vitamin D production is possible over winter)

  • Regulate your circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycle

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Alleviate symptoms of depression (including seasonal depression or SAD)

  • Reduce stress

All of these can directly or indirectly support your thyroid function and overall symptom picture.

Now of course, you want to be sensible with this. Don’t go out if there’s a massive storm or if you’re already feeling unwell! Even 5-10 minutes of fresh air and daylight in the middle of the day can go a long way.

Embrace warm drinks

Find yourself always feeling cold over winter? While it might not fix the root cause, having warm drinks daily can help to alleviate the sense of being constantly cold.

Two of my go-to options for hypothyroidism are bone broth and herbal teas - you can learn more about why here.

Fill up with wholefoods

Weight gain is another common symptom over winter, particularly if you have an underactive thyroid. The cold gloomy weather means we’re more likely to reach for comfort foods.

My trick? Use wholefoods as a way to nourish yourself and fulfil cravings.

Carb cravings are common during wintertime thanks to the impact on your brain chemicals. But you can satiate these with options such as a big tray of roast veggies - think pumpkin, sweet potato, beetroot, capsicum.

Or if you’re craving chocolate, you can make a healthy hot chocolate with mylk, cacao, a natural sweetener and some spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

There are wholefood versions of just about every comfort food you can think of out there! So get into the kitchen and whip up something that will satisfy you.

Use a non-toxic moisturiser daily

One of the more irritating symptoms of an underactive thyroid is dry skin. Unfortunately, it gets worse over the colder months for many.

To address this, you’ll want to use moisturiser regularly. But the last thing we want is to choose a product that is full of ingredients that could interfere with your hormones and make your thyroid issues worse! So make sure you opt for a non-toxic moisturiser.

Listen to your body

It can be very tempting in this busy day and age to push through when your body says no. But if you’re feeling the need to sleep longer, take more frequent breaks, go out less often - there’s a reason for that.

Remember that there are different seasons for a reason. Winter is the time to rest and recuperate, so you have the energy and vitality you need for the warmer months! So embrace the mood of wintertime and slow down.


When you receive a thyroid disease diagnosis, there’s a good chance you’ll feel overwhelmed and powerless. It could even be that you’re not clear on what’s driving it or where it came from!

But even if you’re still uncovering the cause, it doesn’t mean you need to suffer the symptoms forever! Your daily habits can make a massive difference – all you need to do is learn about your condition and empower yourself.


Check out my Ultimate VIP Thyroid Recovery Program here.