5 things to avoid when you have Graves'

Did you know there are some specific foods and choices that can make your Graves’ worse? It can be hard to navigate the world of hyperthyroidism, but there are 5 big things I recommend my clients avoid if they have an overactive thyroid.

5 things you need to avoid if you have Graves’ disease


It’s at the top of the list for a good reason! Gluten is always the first to go whenever it comes to an autoimmune disease, including thyroid diseases such as Graves’ and Hashimoto’s.

Why? Because a component in gluten can trigger the immune system to attack the thyroid tissue, simply because they look similar.

This is known as molecular mimicry. The result is that you end up with even higher thyroid hormone levels because when the tissue is attacked, the hormones can leak out into surrounding tissues and the bloodstream.


I know, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news! So many people with an overactive thyroid reach for coffee as a way to alleviate their fatigue. But when your body is already racing at a million miles an hour, adding rocket fuel to your nervous system is only going to make things worse.

Stick to an absolutely minimum intake of caffeinated drinks. If you currently have multiple cups a day, try swapping out 1-2 for caffeine-free or lower caffeine options. For example, you could switch one coffee for a green tea, and a second coffee for a herbal tea.

Food intolerances

Another big trigger to look out for with any autoimmune disease is foods that you are intolerant to. Whether you know they are an issue for you or not, intolerances can trigger inflammation and impair your gut health. This (and more) can feed into your disease process, exacerbating your symptoms.

Common food intolerances include:

  • Wheat/gluten

  • Dairy (casein and/or lactose)

  • Soy

  • Eggs

  • Nuts


  • Histamine/amines

Unsure if you have any foods you react to? You may like to consider testing for potential intolerances.

Excess stress

It’s not just about the food you eat - your lifestyle can also be toxic for your thyroid. When it comes to Graves’, the biggest lifestyle factor is stress.

Stress plays a double role in Graves’ - it can contribute to the development of the disease, and it can also be a trigger for flares. And if that wasn’t enough of an issue, Graves’ also makes you less tolerant to stress as your nervous system is under constant pressure.

To start relieving your stress naturally, give these tips a try.

Processed foods

Now this is on my list to avoid with any autoimmune disease… or any chronic disease… or honestly, anyone who takes their health seriously! The occasional processed treat might not make a big difference, but processed foods are a waste of space in your diet. They:

  • Are devoid of nutrients your body (and thyroid) needs

  • Often contain inflammatory compounds that can trigger your symptoms

  • Crowd out healthier options

  • Won’t help to satiate your increased appetite due to a lack of fibre and protein

If you have a cheeky snack or dessert you love, why not try making a healthier version of it? There are countless recipes online that give you gluten-free wholefood versions of comfort foods and popular snacks.

Now, is this a complete list of what can be a problem for your Graves’? Not at all - there will be individual triggers for your flares and your underlying disease process. But avoiding the big 5 will make a big difference in your symptoms and how you feel overall.


I cover what you need to know to manage an overactive thyroid naturally in my course, the Hyperthyroid and Graves’ Disease Recovery Program.

This comprehensive program includes:

  • 6 modules covering the most important information you need to understand your overactive thyroid and how to support it naturally

  • Resources on thyroid testing and which tests will give you the best overview of your thyroid function

  • Steps to help you identify triggers and avoid thyroid flares

  • 6 restorative Naturopathic Yoga sessions

  • Thyroid meditations

  • A BONUS 4 step gut healing protocol (because many of the triggers for your thyroid are found in the gut!)

Check it out here.