Want to heal your thyroid naturally? Here’s what you need to know

If you’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid condition, you might be looking for natural solutions. While it’s important to work with your healthcare provider, there are ways you can give your thyroid some TLC with natural options.

Let’s take a look at what you want to consider when healing your thyroid naturally.

Want to heal your thyroid naturally? Here’s what you need to know

Diet can make a huge impact

What you eat (and what you don’t) directly influences your thyroid health. You want to ensure that you’re focusing on nutrient-rich wholefoods that include vital nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds. It’s also best to avoid foods that can trigger issues including processed foods and any food intolerances.

There are also specific considerations for nutrition and diet when it comes to hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer.

Key nutrients are needed for optimal thyroid function

Just like any part of the human body, the thyroid relies on specific nutrients to run. If you have enough of these nutrients, problems are less likely to arise. But if you become deficient, you can develop a thyroid condition.

There are nutrients that are indicated in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The best way to include them is through the diet, but supplements may be warranted if your diet is restricted or if you’ve already developed a deficiency.

Movement is part of your therapy

Exercise is one of the simplest ways to support your thyroid health. It has countless benefits – from reducing stress to boosting feel-good hormones, improving sleep and supporting gut health!

However, not all movement is created equally. If you have a thyroid condition, it’s likely that your best bet is gentle exercise. Intense movement such as HIIT can put added stress on the body and can even be dangerous if your thyroid is overactive.

You can’t ignore your sleep, stress and environment

These areas are often overlooked when it comes to thyroid health. But in my personal and clinical experience, they are non-negotiable areas to address!

Each of these can contribute not only to the development of thyroid disease, but can also trigger flare-ups in an existing condition. So make sure you’re looking at how to optimise each for your thyroid’s sake.

Some herbs can also support thyroid function

There are herbs that have general and specific mechanisms that address thyroid function. Some are particularly beneficial for an underactive thyroid, and some for an overactive thyroid.

However, these are best prescribed by a qualified naturopath who can tailor the herbs and dosage to your specific needs.

Testing regularly is needed

Thyroid function fluctuates based on a variety of factors. Your life stage, your body composition, your lifestyle, your stress levels and even the season can play a role in thyroid function! That’s why it’s essential to monitor your thyroid health.

Testing can also give us insights into how your natural interventions are working – whether they are reducing antibodies, rebalancing thyroid hormones, addressing inflammation and restoring nutrient deficiencies.

Correct dosages are critical – so work with a professional!

‘Natural’ doesn’t mean ‘harmless’! There are side effects for everything if you take too much. This is particularly true with thyroid options including iodine and selenium.

If you’re looking at taking a supplement to support your thyroid, always consult with a qualified natural health professional first. They can look at the correct dosage for your needs.

You may benefit from a variety of modalities

Nutrition and naturopathy can be handy, but depending on your case, there may be other practitioners that can help. Osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists, psychologists and counsellors, personal trainers and even energy healers are some examples of allied/complementary therapists I’ve worked alongside.

Natural support can work alongside your conventional treatments

While natural therapies are often described as ‘alternative’, I much prefer complementary or even integrative!

As a health professional, it’s my job to integrate your care in with what you’re already receiving. That includes working alongside your GP, your endocrinologist and even your surgeon if you require surgical intervention.

The power is in your hands

When you receive a thyroid disease diagnosis, there’s a good chance you’ll feel overwhelmed and powerless. It could even be that you’re not clear on what’s driving it or where it came from!

But even if you’re still uncovering the cause, it doesn’t mean you need to suffer the symptoms forever! Your daily habits can make a massive difference – all you need to do is learn about your condition and empower yourself.


Check out my Ultimate VIP Thyroid Recovery Program here.