Hair loss and hypothyroidism

Have you experienced hair loss due to an underactive thyroid? When it comes to hypothyroidism, hair-related symptoms are often some of the first signs of low thyroid hormone levels. But when you start to address the underlying concern, your hair issues often resolve.

Let’s take a look at the link between hair loss and an underactive thyroid gland.

Why does hair loss occur with hypothyroidism?

Wondering why hair is so vulnerable to thyroid hormone imbalances? This comes down to the many links between hair health and thyroid function.

Thyroid hormones are involved in the development and maintenance of your hair follicles. When thyroid hormone levels drop, it can affect the hair follicle and contribute to breaking, thinning, brittle hair.

Low levels can also decrease your circulation and blood flow to the hair follicle. This cuts off vital nutrients that hair needs to grow strong.

It’s not just reduced T3 and T4 that can affect your hair. Elevated thyroid antibodies in Hashimoto’s can also contribute to an increase in hair loss. This combination can impede the rate of new hair growth.

Side effects of hypothyroidism

Another significant factor in thyroid-related hair loss is the side effects & common factors involved with low thyroid hormone. Some of the factors that can cause or exacerbate hair loss include:

  • Chronic stress - as we know, chronic stress is a big trigger for both the development of hypothyroidism and triggering flare-ups. It’s also a known contributor to hair loss

  • Impaired gut health - the resulting inflammation and low nutrient absorption of poor gut health is linked to both hypothyroidism and hair loss

  • Nutrient deficiencies - iron, zinc, iodine and essential fatty acids (EFAs) can all contribute to hair loss

  • Related health conditions - alopecia, PCOS and lupus are associated with thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto’s and they can also contribute to hair loss

Now, is hair loss always a sign of an underactive thyroid? Not necessarily. There are many potential factors that can play a role, including sex hormones, stress, genetics and other chronic conditions. But if you are experiencing other symptoms of an underactive thyroid, it’s worth investigating further.


Now that we know why hair is vulnerable to thyroid conditions, what sort of symptoms should you be looking out for? Some common signs include:

  • Thinning or loss of the eyebrows, particularly the outer third of the brow

  • Coarse, dull, dry, and brittle hair that breaks easily

  • Soft and fine hair with lots of shedding

  • Thinning hair or balding patches

  • Slowed hair growth

  • Dry, itchy scalp and dandruff

  • Less hair on your legs, arms, and other body areas

How can I reverse hair loss?

I’ll share some tips in an upcoming blog that can help to nourish and nurture your hair back to health. But the number one step you need to take? Get your hypothyroidism under control! This means:

  • A healthy TSH level

  • A good ratio of T4:T3 (so you’re getting enough active thyroid hormone to prevent hair issues)

  • Low thyroid antibodies

If these aren’t addressed, your hair loss issues may continue.

Need some guidance to manage your hypothyroidism?

My Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s Recovery Program is for you!

This comprehensive program includes:

  • 6 modules covering the most important information you need to understand your underactive thyroid and how to support it naturally

  • Resources on thyroid testing and which tests will give you the best overview of your thyroid function

  • Steps to help you identify triggers and avoid thyroid flares

  • 6 restorative Naturopathic Yoga sessions

  • Thyroid meditations

  • A BONUS 4 step gut healing protocol (because many of the triggers for your thyroid are found in the gut!)

Join my Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s Recovery Program here.