8 daily habits to support your thyroid health

Do you have daily habits in place to support your thyroid?

People think they need a massive treatment plan or a concoction of supplements to heal their thyroid disease. While it's true that there is a lot involved in the process and supplements can help - that's not the answer.

Often, the supplements are there to bridge a gap so that you can address the real change-makers - your daily habits. With that in mind, let’s look at some simple ways you can take care of your thyroid every single day.

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Daily habits to support your thyroid

Hydrate yourself

When it comes to your thyroid health, drinking water might not be the first step that comes to mind. But adequate hydration is needed for thousands of chemical reactions in the body, as well as optimal detoxification and digestion.

Quality is just as critical as quantity when it comes to drinking water. That’s why I use and recommend Zazen water systems for refreshing, nourishing water that tastes amazing.

Eat your veggies

The combination of fibre for gut health, vitamins and minerals to power your thyroid (and supporting glands and organs too!), and anti-inflammatory compounds make vegetables a must for daily thyroid support.

Sure, some might need to remove options such as nightshades if sensitive, and we want to cook our goitrogen-containing plants. But generally speaking, more variety and colour = more thyroid protection and support.

Tara Nelson thyroid naturopath meditation


One of my favourite habits for thyroid health is meditation.

If you've ever worked with me, you'll know I'm a huge advocate for meditation and mindfulness. The busier you are, the more you can benefit from even a few minutes of breathing!

Meditation is amazing for reducing cortisol levels, inflammation and disease risk, while boosting feel-good brain chemicals and hormones.

What I love about meditation is that it's accessible for anyone - you don't have to spend a cent, you can practice wherever and whenever suits you, and it can take as little as 60 seconds to calm your nervous system.

Move your body

There are countless reasons to incorporate physical activity as a daily habit - from boosting metabolism to improving mood, and even encouraging your libido.

But what many don’t realise is that it can have a direct impact on your thyroid health. In fact, research has found that thyroid patients who add exercise alongside their thyroxine replacement saw greater improvements in serum T3 and T4 levels.

Looking for more reasons to get active? Give this a read.

Sleep routine

There are countless reasons why sleep is essential for thyroid health. A good night of sleep supports immunity, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system and more.

Unfortunately, so many people are sacrificing sleep in order to get more done on their to-do list. Not only does this create a vicious cycle (because believe me, no one gets more done when sleep deprived!), but it also impacts on your thyroid.

The solution? Figure out the right amount of sleep for your needs, then set up a solid sleep time routine.

Brazil nuts

The humble Brazil nut is one of the best sources of selenium out there. Selenium is critical for thyroid health – for conversion, reducing inflammation and for protecting the thyroid from damage.

If you don’t get a good amount of selenium in your diet, you’re at risk of thyroid disease, low T3 levels and even thyroid cancer.

But when it comes to selenium, more isn't better - too much can lead to a condition known as selenosis, which involves some serious health consequences.

So all you need for a good dose of selenium is an average of two Brazil nuts a day. Simple!


Have you been sitting at your desk all day? If so, it might be time to head outside for your thyroid’s sake.

Firstly, sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, which is crucial for immune health. Low vitamin D is involved in both autoimmune thyroid disease and thyroid cancer. Early studies suggest that it has a role to play in hypothyroidism even when there is no Hashimoto’s present.

But sunshine is also essential for supporting the production of brain chemicals and regulating our sleep-wake cycle. So getting outside is a simple daily habit to incorporate.

Want to develop more healthy habits that can support your thyroid health naturally?

Make sure you grab a copy of one of my ebooks for plenty of actionable content and helpful advice! If you have hyperthyroidism or Graves’, check out this ebook here. If you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, this is the ebook for you.