Can Being Mindful Help the Thyroid?

What Can Mindfulness Do For The Thyroid?

Mental wellbeing and stress levels can play a big role in how healthy your thyroid is. So it’s important for you to support your mental health and minimise the effects of stress. One of the simplest ways to do this on a daily basis is practising mindfulness.

What is mindfulness?

Put simply, mindfulness is a practice of awareness in the present moment. Although it can include meditation, it is not just that. As we’ll discuss below, there are many ways we can practice mindfulness throughout the day – you don’t have to sit cross-legged and chant to gain the benefits.

The link between thyroid health and mindfulness

Every human being will experience stress at some point in life. But chronic stress can play a big role in weakening the body, particularly in areas where we are vulnerable.

This is often the case in thyroid disorders. Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol can inhibit the production and conversion of thyroid hormones, as well as causing stress on the immune system.

But practising mindfulness can help to calm the nervous system and decrease cortisol. This has a beneficial effect on every cell on the body. When cortisol levels are optimal, it helps to balance the immune system, particularly in the case of autoimmunity.

Mindfulness isn’t just for hippies either – it’s actually very trendy! There is more research coming out every day that demonstrates the benefits of mindfulness for both mental and physical wellbeing.

Ways to practice mindfulness

Use a meditation app

If you’re new to mindfulness, starting with a smartphone app is the easiest way to get started. There are plenty of free options out there to try! Guided meditations are ideal to start with, as you have someone to guide you through your practice.

Join a meditation group

If you’re looking for more accountability, a local meditation group might be a good idea. Groups usually have limited spots so it doesn’t get too crowded, and again, you will have someone to guide you through the process.

Practice mindful eating

We tend to multi-task while eating – but this is a great time to be mindful instead! Put down the phone, switch off the TV, and take your time to eat and savour your food. This will also optimise the digestion of your food, as the body has the time to produce digestive enzymes.

Take some breaths

If you have no time whatsoever, all you need is yourself and your breath. Even practising 10 long, slow, deep breaths once a day is a mindfulness practice. Deep breathing helps to reduce cortisol and gives your nervous system a reboot when you’re stressed out.

Go for a walk

Nature is a great place to bring us back into the present moment. Going for a walk outside has the combined benefits of exercising, fresh air and mindfulness. Have a wander around your neighbourhood and observe what you can see, smell and hear.

Move your body

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be slow or still. People who prefer activity can slip into a mindful state when they are working out at the gym, going for a run or even dancing! If you like to move your body, spend that time focused on how your body feels and what is going on around you.

Mindfulness throughout the day

You don’t have to have a formal practice of mindfulness to benefit from it. In fact, you can be mindful during any activity, as long as you can focus on the present moment. Why not try being mindful while washing the dishes or cooking dinner?

Want to learn more about how to support your thyroid? Make sure you book in an appointment today for your personalised plan.