10 things you need to know about Hashimoto’s

Have you been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, or suspect you might have it? If so, there are some key things that it’s important to understand about this condition.

10 Things You Need To Know About Hashimoto’s

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder

In this condition, the immune system attacks the thyroid gland tissue. As a result, the thyroid is damaged and produces less thyroid hormone over time.

However, you may also have short periods of time where your thyroid tissue is damaged and leaks excess thyroid hormone, which can cause temporary hyperthyroidism symptoms.

Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of thyroid disease

Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid condition, and Hashimoto’s is the #1 cause of an underactive thyroid. The exact rate is unknown, as it often goes undiagnosed for years or even decades.

It is more common in females, and pops up more frequently in those aged 30-50.

The symptoms of Hashimoto’s

Symptoms can vary, but the most common include:

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

  • Fatigue and lethargy

  • Feeling cold

  • Constipation

  • Dry, flaky skin

  • Dry, thinning hair

  • Fertility issues

  • Sore, painful or tender muscles/joints

  • Brain fog

  • A hoarse throat

  • Puffy, sensitive face

Diagnosis of Hashimoto’s

This condition is typically diagnosed based on a blood test that looks at your thyroid hormone levels and thyroid antibodies.

Unfortunately, many doctors only start by testing TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and if that is normal, they don’t persist. But this doesn’t give us a true picture of Hashimoto’s! You can have thyroid antibodies present even with a normal TSH level, particularly in the early stages. The earlier it is detected, the better.

Conventional treatment of Hashimoto’s

Your doctor will likely prescribe thyroxine as a way to correct your TSH levels. It can take some time to find the dose that suits you, so you may need to try a few different doses. Some people also don’t respond to thyroxine-only therapy, so it can be useful to work with a GP who has experience in combination therapy or T3-only therapy if you’re not seeing improvements.

Diet and lifestyle changes are key!

There is more to managing this condition than taking medication every day! The majority of contributing factors in Hashimoto’s can be reduced or removed by addressing your diet and lifestyle.

This can include:

  • Remove dietary intolerances and trigger foods

  • Increasing nutrient-dense foods

  • Moving your body consistently

  • Managing your stress levels

  • Optimising your sleep

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet and lifestyle for Hashimoto’s. It needs to be tailored based on your specific case and drivers of the disease.

Risk of other autoimmune conditions

Once you have one autoimmune condition, it significantly increases your risk of developing others. So it’s important to monitor yourself for new symptoms and take your health seriously.

There is no known cure, but you can go into remission

One day we might have a cure, but at this stage, there is none. However, you can put yourself into remission – I should know, as I’ve done it for myself! You can learn more about how I achieved it here.

Ongoing monitoring and management is critical

Like any autoimmune condition, Hashimoto’s can fluctuate based on your life stage, hormones, lifestyle and even the season! Frequent testing helps to ensure you’re taking the right amount of thyroid hormone.

However, it's important to know that thyroid hormone levels are only one piece of the hypothyroid picture. 15% of people with hypothyroidism will experience symptoms even when their TSH levels are corrected.

This is because supplementing thyroid hormone doesn't address the underlying causes. It also can't correct cellular hypothyroidism, where active thyroid hormone can't get into your body's cells.

You have the power to feel better despite your diagnosis

When you receive a diagnosis, you might feel overwhelmed and powerless. But although this condition will be with you for life, it doesn’t mean you need to suffer the symptoms forever! Your daily habits can make a massive difference – all you need to do is learn about your condition and empower yourself.

Ready to feel in control of your wellbeing again?

Check out my Ultimate VIP Thyroid Recovery Program here.