Simple ways to drink more water every day

Water is a vital part of our health and wellbeing! Without adequate hydration, the human body cannot function properly. But many people find it tough to keep hydrated throughout the day.

If you’re looking for some simple tips around how to increase your water intake, you’ve come to the right place.

Why do I want to drink more water in the first place?

Great question! We do cover this in more detail in another blog post, but to sum it up, being hydrated can:

  • Boost brain function

  • Increase satiety and curb appetite

  • Support healthy digestive function

  • Aid in the natural detoxification processes

  • Encourage clear, healthy skin

  • Help you sleep better

And that’s just an overview of my favourite benefits! There are plenty of other reasons because water is involved in almost every important function in the human body.

So now that you have an idea of why, let’s dive into the ‘how’.

How to drink more water on a daily basis

Figure out why you don’t already!

It’s all well and good to look for tips on how to drink more water. But before we do that, we need to know WHY you’re not drinking enough water right now. That way, it will help you to make changes to address that challenge.

Ask yourself, is it because:

  • You forget to drink water throughout the day?

  • You’re not a big fan of plain water?

  • Your water supply doesn’t taste good?

  • You’re not sure how much you should be drinking?

  • You find drinking cold drinks unpleasant or uncomfortable?

Keep your reason (or reasons) in mind when you read through the next few tips.

Try out a water app or tracker water bottle

Do you love a regular reminder to keep you on track? There are plenty of apps out there that can remind you to hydrate regularly. You can also get water bottles with visual trackers on them, or just set regular alarms on your phone.

Whatever option works best for you and your routine, give that a go!

Add some flavour

Is plain water just not doing it for you? Start trying out some flavour options to infuse into your water. Slices of fruit, fresh or frozen berries and herbs and spices are some good options to try.

You might also like to create your own ice cubes for the summer that include some flavour combinations such as strawberry and lime or blueberry and mint.

If you want to go one step further, you can also add some homemade smoothies into the mix. Just make sure you don’t go overboard on the fruit, otherwise the sugar content can add up quickly!

Switch in some herbal teas

If you dislike cold water, you can opt for herbal teas instead. This is a tip I often share with my Hashimoto’s clients because they run cold due to the low thyroid function!

Head to your local supermarket or health food store and find a couple of organic tea options to try out. There is something to suit everyone - from spicy to fruity, and minty to herby.

Choose water-rich foods

The water that we have in our foods can also count towards our hydration goals! Reach for naturally water-rich options such as:

  • Watermelon

  • Cantaloupe

  • Grapefruit

  • Peaches

  • Strawberries

  • Apples

  • Pears

  • Cherries

  • Grapes

  • Blueberries

  • Plums

  • Lettuce

  • Zucchini

  • Radishes

  • Cauliflower

  • Eggplant

  • Red cabbage

  • Capsicum

  • Spinach

  • Broccoli

  • Carrot

  • Cucumber

  • Celery

Each of these has between 70-90% water content, so including them on a regular basis can boost up your hydration level naturally.

Tie your hydration to other habits

Sometimes, it is as simple as connecting the dots between the new habit (drinking water) and an established habit. For example, you could have a cup of water when you:

  • Brush your teeth

  • Get up for a stretch break at work

  • Start and finish a workout

  • Sit down to watch Netflix

By tying it to an established habit, it becomes easier to work into your current routine.

Improve your water quality

Are you someone who finds that water tastes too chemical-laden or chlorine-y to enjoy it? If so, there might be a simple solution - improve your water quality. This is something I recommend to everyone, but it can be particularly useful if you struggle to drink plain water due to the taste.

I personally use and recommend Zazen Alkaline Water Systems.

Zazen is designed to filter out chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, bacteria and other lurking nasties while retaining beneficial minerals our bodies need to thrive.

Want to learn more about this system, or purchase one for yourself? Head to the shop page here.

BasicsTara Nelsonhydration