How to boost your energy when you have thyroid issues

Does your thyroid condition have you feeling flat, fatigued and fed up? You’re not alone. Low energy is a common thyroid symptom. But there are steps you can take to boost your energy levels, even if your thyroid isn’t functioning normally.

Why does hypothyroidism make you tired?

Low energy or chronic fatigue is one of the most obvious symptoms of low thyroid function. But why does this happen?

Thyroid hormones are required by almost every cell in the body. When there aren’t enough thyroid hormones produced, the cells can’t work as efficiently, so the whole body slows down. This leaves you feeling exhausted and sluggish, even when you haven’t done anything significant.

Many people with hypothyroidism will have energy fluctuations throughout the day. They’ll often need a nap in the afternoon to get through the day. But even though you’re exhausted, you might also struggle to get a good night’s sleep.

Can hyperthyroidism cause fatigue?

An overactive thyroid can also cause low energy levels. This is because the accelerated metabolism is like running a marathon all day. Your body burns through nutrients and your energy reserves, leaving you exhausted.

An overactive thyroid can also cause symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety. These can also lead to low energy levels.

How can you boost your energy naturally?

So now you know why you’re so exhausted. But how can you get on top of that fatigue and start to build your energy up? Here are some simple steps to get you started.

Make sure you’re getting plenty of thyroid nutrients

Your thyroid needs several nutrients to function properly. Iodine, vitamin B12, zinc, iron, tyrosine and selenium are just some of the nutrients you need to create and convert thyroid hormones.

If you are deficient in one (or more!) of these, your energy levels will drop because of low thyroid hormone.

To learn more about essential thyroid nutrients and how to include them in your diet, see this article.

Take care of your gut

To absorb the nutrients you need, you need a healthy and happy gut. Unfortunately, gut issues such as leaky gut, inflammation and imbalanced gut bacteria are all too common in thyroid conditions.

Does your gut need some TLC? Find some simple gut care tips here.

Focus on nutrient-dense foods

Nutrient-dense foods don’t just supply essential thyroid nutrients. They also help to balance your blood sugar and support the cycle of energy production in the body.

So what types of nutrient-dense foods should you be including? Think:

  • Vegetables

  • Fruit

  • Red meat and offal

  • Fish

  • Shellfish

  • Seaweed

Whenever possible, opt for organic and/or grass-fed options.

Limit your alcohol and caffeine

Are you in the habit of perking up with coffee in the morning, then a glass of wine in the evening to wind down? Unfortunately, this combination can sap your energy.

Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and adrenals to give you that forced kick of energy, but then you’ll crash when it wears off. Alcohol is a depressant, but it also interferes with sleep.

Stick to having one caffeinated drink around mid-morning after you’ve had some breakfast to balance your blood sugar levels. Don’t have caffeine after lunchtime, as it can disrupt your sleep. Alcohol is best kept for social occasions.

Get a good night’s sleep

Poor sleep is a major contributor to fatigue, even when you have a thyroid condition. So it’s important to optimise your sleep as much as you can.

There are a lot of ways you can do this. Some simple tweaks include:

  • Having a wind-down routine – this might include a cup of calming herbal tea, a shower or some time reading before bed

  • Switching off bright overhead lights and opting for lamps or candles after sundown

  • Avoiding electronic devices for at least 30 minutes before bed

  • Ensuring the bedroom is pitch-black and cool (around 16-19 degrees Celsius is best)

  • Practice deep breathing for a few minutes as you drift off to sleep

Include some gentle exercise

When you’re tired, the last thing you want to do is exercise. But moving your body can increase circulation and make you feel more alert. It also boosts the capacity of your mitochondria – the powerhouses within your body cells that produce energy.

Start slow with something like a morning walk around the block. Small chunks of movement are better than none at all!

Work with an experienced practitioner

Low energy levels are an indicator that your thyroid hormones might be out of balance, even if you’re taking medications to correct it. By working with a practitioner, you can optimise your levels and feel energised again.

Is it time to kick your exhaustion to the curb? Book an appointment with Tara here.