Top foods to support your thyroid health

If you’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid condition or are at a high risk of developing one, you might wonder about the best food choices for your thyroid. That’s why I’ve gathered the top foods that will support your thyroid health.

The best diet for your thyroid

top foods to support your thyroid health Tara Nelson blonde woman adding pepper to a red pot on a stovetop

"Tara, what is the best diet to follow if I have thyroid disease?"

This is something I am asked about all the time! And unfortunately, there is no one answer.


Because it all depends on the underlying factors and your unique biochemistry. What nourishes one person can make another unwell. 

Yes, there is absolutely some evidence for specific diets and eliminations of some foods. But for every diet protocol out there, there are potential concerns as well.

That's why I much prefer tailoring an approach based on my client, rather than their diagnosis. After all, you are more than just your thyroid condition! You're a unique human being with your own set of genes, preferences and lifestyle.

 With that in mind, let’s look at some foods that are particularly beneficial for thyroid health.

Fruit and veggies

This is the top of my list for a healthy, happy thyroid – and for any condition, really!

The combination of fibre for gut health, vitamins and minerals to power your thyroid (and supporting glands and organs too!), and anti-inflammatory compounds make fruit and vegetables a must on any thyroid support diet.

Sure, some people might need to remove a couple of options such as nightshades or fructose if sensitive, and we want to cook our goitrogen-containing plants.

But aside from that, more variety and colour = more thyroid protection and support.

Pate and organ meats

When it comes to the top foods for supporting your thyroid naturally, I can't go past a high-quality liver pate.

Why? Because it’s an excellent source of:

  • Iron

  • Vitamin B12

  • Selenium

  • Zinc

  • Protein

Plus it’s delicious and versatile! The key is to opt for organic whenever possible. You can even make your own using your choice of liver and flavours.

In general, organ meats are packed full of nutrition. So if you have other organ meat recipes or preferences, feel free to include them regularly.

Fish and shellfish

plate of oysters on a rock with the seaside in the background Tara Nelson thyroid naturopath

Seafood is a great choice for supporting your thyroid.

Fish and shellfish are excellent sources of zinc, one of the most critical thyroid nutrients. Some seafood also contains a good amount of selenium and iodine.

As always, aim to get the best quality to get the maximum nutrition and minimal harmful substances - think wild-caught or organic. To reduce your exposure to heavy metals, you also want to opt for smaller fish over bigger fish.

Personally, I love oysters or a good piece of salmon. But if you prefer something more subtle in flavour, you might go for calamari, hoki or flathead instead.

Brazil nuts 

The humble Brazil nut is one of the best sources of selenium out there.

Selenium is critical for thyroid health – for conversion, reducing inflammation and for protecting the thyroid from damage. If you don’t get a good amount of selenium in your diet, you’re at risk of thyroid disease, low T3 levels and even thyroid cancer

Just make sure you’re not eating hundreds of Brazil nuts every week, especially if you take any supplements that contain selenium. Consuming too much selenium can lead to a condition known as selenosis, which can lead to serious health consequences.

Are you looking for more tips on how to live well with a thyroid condition?

Make sure you grab a copy of one of my ebooks for plenty of actionable content and helpful advice! If you have hyperthyroidism or Graves’, check out this ebook here. If you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, this is the ebook for you.