Are Hidden Food Intolerances To Blame For Your Symptoms?

Do you experience vague symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability or bloating? These could be a sign that you have an undiagnosed food intolerance.

Food intolerances are increasingly common. But unlike a food allergy, it can be hard to identify a food intolerance without some guidance. Let's take a closer look at food intolerances and whether you might be dealing with one or more.

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What is the difference between a food intolerance and food allergy?

A food allergy is when your immune system reacts to a food as if it is a danger to the body. This can lead to some severe symptoms, and can even be life-threatening. The onset of food allergy symptoms is almost immediate - a case of seconds to minutes after consuming it.

On the other hand, a food intolerance is more subtle. It is not a direct immune response - typically it is caused by an inability to digest and process a specific substance in the food.

Some people may experience symptoms up to 2-3 days after they consume the food they are intolerant to. This is why it can be harder to identify whether food is triggering your symptoms, and if so, which foods.

What are some common food intolerances?

There are hundreds of potential food intolerances that can occur, as the body can react to different compounds within the food.

Some of the most common food intolerances include:

  • Gluten/wheat

  • Dairy - lactose and/or casein

  • Fructose


  • Food additives (artificial colours, flavours and/or sweeteners)

  • Caffeine

Other intolerances that you may have heard of include salicylate intolerance and histamine intolerance. These are specific compounds found within some types of food.

What are the symptoms of a food intolerance?

The specific symptoms of a food intolerance can vary depending on the specific intolerance. For example, some intolerances can cause diarrhoea and others can lead to constipation.

Common signs and symptoms of a food intolerance include:

  • Diarrhoea

  • Constipation

  • IBS (alternating between diarrhoea and constipation)

  • Bloating

  • Excess gas

  • Heartburn

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Poor concentration and brain fog

  • Feeling depressed or anxious

  • Irritability and mood swings

  • Body aches and pains

  • Constantly blocked or runny nose

  • Dark circles under the eyes

  • Skin symptoms such as acne

Like any symptom, these are not a guarantee that you have a food intolerance. But it does suggest that you might need to do some more digging into what is going on in the body.

How food intolerances can contribute to poor health

Unfortunately, a food intolerance doesn't just give you a sore tummy. If left unaddressed, a food intolerance can lead to problems throughout the body. In fact, in some cases it can even contribute to the development of chronic disease including autoimmune disease.

Food intolerances do this by:

  • Causing an imbalance of microbes in the gut - our gut flora play an important role in many systems of the body and protect against chronic disease. When they are thrown off balance, it can cause many issues.

  • Compromising the gut lining's integrity - the gut lining is what lets the good into the body and keeps the bad out. Food intolerances can lead to increased permeability or leaky gut, which can lead to further inflammation and disease.

  • Increasing inflammation levels - chronic inflammation is the biggest contributor to chronic and lifestyle diseases. This can also be why food intolerances cause flare-ups in symptoms if you have an autoimmune condition.

If you want to feel healthy and happy, you need to identify and address any food intolerances before it leads to further symptoms and illness.

How can you identify food intolerances?

Do some of the symptoms of a food intolerance sound familiar? Want to uncover whether you're dealing with one or more food intolerances?

Unlike a food allergy, you can't just go to your GP and get diagnosed for a food intolerance. But there is one simple method I use to identify food intolerances:

Hair testing

Hair testing is a fast and efficient way to uncover potential intolerances. I recommend hair testing to many of my clients because you can test for 500+ items - both food and household products - that may be compatible or incompatible (intolerant) for your body. That is something that we simply cannot achieve with a diet & symptom diary or IgG blood test!

The Bio-Compatibility Hair Test works out your individual food intolerances. When we remove these intolerances from the diet, you inflammation will decrease, your food intolerance symptoms will be alleviated and your body will have the chance to heal. ​ You can use this to test intolerances for any age - newborns, babies, toddlers, children and adults can all benefit from this form of testing as it is non-invasive.

Interested in hair testing as an option to uncover hidden intolerances? Head here to order yours today.

BaiscsTara Nelson