5 Steps To Prioritise Your Wellbeing (Starting Today!)

When was the last time you put yourself and your health at the top of your list? There’s a good chance that it was a long time ago!

Prioritising our own wellbeing is more important than ever. But how can you take care of yourself in a way that is realistic and effective?

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Here are my top 5 steps for prioritising your wellbeing that you can take starting today.

5 Steps To Prioritise Your Wellbeing

Focus on nourishing food

Most fad diets and trends are all about eliminating foods. But what is more important is including plenty of nourishing wholefoods.

Wholefoods are rich in vital nutrients such as fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fuel almost every process in the human body. They are also associated with countless health benefits that protect us from serious health conditions.

Whether you want to lose a bit of weight, support your mental health or heal damage from chronic health concerns, wholefoods are your starting point.

Aim to build at least 80% of your meals and snacks around:

  • Fruits

  • Vegetables

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

  • Herbs

  • Spices

  • Healthy fats such as olive oil and avocado

  • Meat and poultry (opt for grass-fed or organic options where possible)

  • Fish

  • Seafood

  • Eggs

  • Beans and legumes (if you tolerate them)

  • Ancient grains such as quinoa and buckwheat

Work on your sleep quality (not just quantity!)

Do you fall asleep easily, sleep deeply for a full 7-8 hours, then bounce out of bed in the morning full of beans? If you can’t tick off all of those, there’s room for improvement with your sleep.

Even if you’re technically in bed for the recommended 7-8 hours per night, it doesn’t necessarily mean your sleep is the best it can be!

Many people actually have incredibly poor quality sleep, which is one common reason why you wake up feeling exhausted. That’s why we need to focus on optimising the quality of your sleep, not just the length of time in bed.

So what does a good night of sleep look like?

  • You fall asleep within 10-30 minutes of turning off the lights

  • You don’t wake regularly throughout the night – if something does wake you such as a noise or a dream, you’re back to sleep within a few minutes

  • You’re sleeping for 7-8 hours most nights

  • In the morning, you wake up feeling refreshed – it takes no more than a few minutes to shake off any grogginess

Looking for some natural sleep tips? Give this blog a read.

Soothe away stress

Stress is something all of us deal with on a daily basis. In small amounts, stress is beneficial. But when you’re constantly busy and under pressure, it has serious health implications.

Chronic stress can lead to poor immunity, premature ageing, high inflammation and oxidative stress. It also carries a higher risk of countless chronic health conditions including heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disease. This is why it’s high time we stop 'pushing through' stress and manage it properly.

There’s no one way to manage stress, because people respond differently to different methods. But what you do want to do is find what works for you, and incorporate it on a daily or weekly basis.

Need some tips to manage your stress levels? Here are 10 ways to get you started.

Make a move

The human body was designed for regular movement. Unfortunately, sedentary jobs and technology have taken a lot of the natural movement out of our day. If you’re not moving your body, you’re increasing your risk of countless health issues.

By moving a little more each day, you can give a boost to your physical and mental wellbeing.

Not used to regular exercise? Little amounts add up! You don’t even need a gym or any fancy equipment to begin with. Start with gentle movements such as:

  • Walking around the block each day

  • Playing at the local park with your family

  • Doing an exercise class from the comfort of your own home

  • Practising yoga or tai chi

  • Doing a few rounds of simple bodyweight movements such as squats and push-ups

Even 10 minutes extra each day can offer benefits. Work your way up to 30-90 minutes per day, 3-5 days per week. Some days will have more movement than others, and that's fine. What matters is staying consistent.

Struggling to find motivation? Get an exercise buddy on board, so you can keep each other accountable.

Sneak in some self-care

Finally, we come to self-care. In a way, each of the previous areas are all forms of self-care. Any care that you give to your body, your mind or your soul is self-care.

What self-care looks like is different for everyone. Sometimes it is lovely stress-relieving activities like massages and manicures. But often it is the grown-up tasks and decisions such as seeing a health professional about your health concerns, learning to say no and seeking support when you need it.

Whatever you need to feel well, schedule in some time for it each week.

It’s rare that women have all of these pillars of health down pat. We spend so much of our time and energy giving to those around us – our family, our friends, our work – that we have so little leftover to take care of ourselves.

If it’s time for you to prioritise yourself and your health, the Nurture-Reset-Come Clean Cleanse is for you.

In just 21 days, you can walk away feeling energised, clear and motivated, with a set of healthy habits that set you up for your best life.

To learn more about the Cleanse and claim your spot, click here.

BaiscsTara Nelson