Can a cleanse support your thyroid health?

Managing a thyroid condition can feel like a full-time job sometimes. But what if there was something that could help ease many of the underlying contributors and get you back on track?

Many of my clients ask me if a cleanse could help them with their Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease. And the answer is - absolutely!

Now it is important to note that if you have a thyroid condition, you don’t want to go and do any old cleanse that you see on Instagram or Facebook ads. What you want is a supervised cleanse that is run by a qualified practitioner. That way, the cleanse can be tailored to your specific needs and you avoid taking supplements that interact with your thyroid medication.

With that in mind, let’s look at how a cleanse can help to optimise your thyroid health.

can a cleanse support your thyroid health - Tara Nelson Thyroid Naturopath

5 ways that a supervised cleanse can support your thyroid

Reducing inflammation

As we know, chronic inflammation is a key player in both hypo and hyperthyroid conditions. It also contributes to many of the ‘thyroid flares’ that we can experience. So getting inflammation under control is an important step.

That’s where a cleanse can be a big help. You will remove many inflammatory triggers such as processed foods, sugar and alcohol. But you will also be addressing some of the causes of inflammation - think poor gut health and impaired detoxification.

Supporting detoxification pathways

When you think ‘cleanse’, you probably think about detoxing and the liver. Well you’re right - a cleanse can help with not only your liver but all of your detox and elimination pathways!

Optimal detoxification is needed for thyroid health in many ways. It helps to remove toxins including heavy metals from the body, as well as excess sex hormones and stress hormones.

The liver is also where the majority of thyroid hormone conversion takes place. This is particularly important for those of us with an underactive thyroid, as it can mean we get even less active thyroid hormone into circulation.

By giving the liver the support and nurturing it needs, a cleanse can help to address many of these thyroid-related issues.

can a cleanse support your thyroid health - gut - Tara Nelson Naturopath

Restoring gut health

If you have a thyroid condition, your gut health has played a big role in its development. Poor gut health is increasingly common thanks to our modern lifestyles of processed foods, stress, poor sleep and insufficient exercise.

But a well-structured cleanse can support the gut in a number of ways, including:

  • Removing foods that encourage bad bacteria overgrowth

  • Including foods that nourish the good species of bacteria

  • Taking out many of the inflammatory triggers that affect the gut

  • Reducing stress so that digestion is optimal again

So if your gut has been less than happy lately, a cleanse might be just what is needed.

Rebalancing immunity

For most people with a thyroid condition, immunity is a big concern. Why? Because the majority of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism is rooted in autoimmunity.

Autoimmunity means that your immune system is seeing something as a threat that is actually your own body tissue - in this case, your thyroid gland. So we want to calm the immune system down by reducing the threats that can trigger it.

A cleanse can offer this by:

  • Removing known triggers for autoimmunity, including gluten

  • Reducing overall inflammation

  • Supporting gut healing that can reduce the risk of triggers entering via the digestive tract

  • Providing the nutrients that help to balance the immune function

Of course, doing a single cleanse won’t reverse autoimmune disease. But it will help to alleviate symptoms and potentially reduce your risk of disease progression.

Increasing key nutrients

When the body is inflamed and the gut is out of balance, your nutrient stores will drop. This is two-fold - you’ll be absorbing less through the gut, but also using more nutrients up in inflammatory processes. For example, zinc and selenium both act as antioxidants, which means the body will use them to ‘clean up’ the damage caused by inflammation.

By giving your body a reset, you allow yourself to get more of the vital nutrients your thyroid needs to function properly.

Is it time to give your thyroid and your body a reboot?

My upcoming Cleanse Program is for you!

You’ll receive plenty of helpful resources and goodies, including meal plans, recipes, yoga and meditation sessions, cleanse supplements and teas, as well as daily support and accountability.

The next round starts September 6th, 2021 - click here to learn more and join.

Tara Nelson